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Soybean: Planting & Package of Practices

  • 22 April 2024

Soybean crop at a glance

Biological name: Glycin max

Popularly known as: Golden Beans or Miracle Crops

Crop season: Rabi and Kharif

Crop type: oilseed crop

Production (2021): 128.92 lakh tonnes

Estimated production: 129.95 lakh tonnes

Quantity exported in 2021:3.78 t


Commonly grown soybean varieties are VL Soya 21, Ahilya 2 (NRC 12), MACS 124, JS 75-46, Ahilya 1 (NRC 2), Ahilya 3 (NRC 7). Other Indian varieties include Ankur, Alankar, Gorav, T-49, and Punjab-1.

Soil requirement

For soybean planting, it requires well-drained, fertile loamy soils with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 are ideal for soybean cultivation. Soybean seed germination is inhibited by saline and sodic soils. Water logging harms crops, therefore effective soil drainage in soybean farms is essential throughout the rainy season.